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Does Gender (In)Equality truly exist?

Gender Equality Advocacy must be a joke. Or are the activists truly confused?

Until when will they continue to accept our (men's) benevolence and keep fighting the hand that feed them? How do you win in a battle where you are your own adversary? The power anyone wields is as good as how long there are subjects at his beck, so when men keep beating the drum and women keep dancing, will the party ever be over? 

Until when will I keep giving up my seat for a young pretty lady who feels she's too frail to seat at a front seat in a keke Marwa and she smiles and leap for joy, thinking she has used the female charm again to her advantage? And then we flatter them and say whatever a man can do, a woman can do better. How can I be equal to someone who already believed she is a little lower?

I watched the video of @Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie delivered at the Edinburgh after she received a honorary PhD recently, and she spoke on Feminism. She was so passionate and I felt for her and her cohorts because they are like a lone voice crying in the wilderness making the way for a messiah that had already come and gone! 
How can you save someone that doesn't want saving? How will a house be built when a few gather the earth together for the many others that scatter abroad? Someone who needs a man to get whatever she needs, how much do you think a man appreciate such dependency and insecurity?

The crux of the matter is that this advocacy has been greatly damaging. How many homes and marriages have suffered at the hands of this sermon? How have the generations tied to these homes and marriages fared? How much nights of sorrow have been endured and the mornings that refused to wake with joy? How much destinies are forever paralyzed by this misguided postulation of both gender being equal?

Not everyone can see you in a better light than that with which you see yourself. This (in)equality fight, I think, is misplaced. I do not think anyone took it from the Women. They (and their matriachs especially in Africa) gave it up believing it's the right thing in the natural order. Now, if they are really serious about getting it back, let them dust it up from where they had trashed it initially.

In reality, the advocacy should have been making each gender understand their distinctive roles in the natural order. The heart and the brain do not have the same size, the tongues is housed in the mouth and the digits of our legs are a mere fraction of the body's architecture; but tamper with either of these and see the whole body composition lose its balance.

Men as well as women have their definitive roles in the balance of nature. Any attempt at altering this will be catastrophic. And I dare say, except this advocacy tune is finetuned, this cannon has not shot its last stone ball. 

**This piece was first Published on Tuesday October 17,2017 on @HomeTalk blog by Darey_Jon
**This post welcomes reactions to this piece. 
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